Our Methodology

Course Design

The design of the Sage Initiative online learning curriculum is rooted in Indigenous epistemology. It will include unique features such as Indigenous concepts of “Wealth”, an examination of traditional Indigenous systems of commerce and reciprocity (such as the potlatch system), and a focus on our trauma relationship with money.

  • Provide trauma-informed impact investment literacy training that intertwines Indigenous commerce with hard investment skills
  • Provides mentorship from folx who have been active in this field for years to emerging Indigenous investors
  • Uses an intersectional lens and examines over-lapping identities such as Indigeneity, gender, age, and sexuality
  • Interwoven curriculum with training around more technical investing skills and practices such as deal sourcing, conducting due diligence, and understanding risk and return options when making investment decisions
Our Method

Sage Initiative builds wealth and prosperity for Indigenous womxn, their families, and their communities by teaching investment literacy and Indigenous concepts of commerce.

We put you squarely in the driver's seat while offering you the skills and pathways to various careers in impact investing all the while honoring Indigenous ways of knowing and being. In the program, you will be supported to make small-medium-sized impact investments resulting in balanced social, environmental, and fiscal returns.

By investing exclusively in Indigenous-owned businesses, Indigenous wealth stays in Indigenous communities thus forming a "Circular economy".

Thank you to Indigenous Innovation Institute for supporting the Sage Initiative.